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Meet the New Instabug!

Your favorite bug reporting tool is now a platform for real-time contextual insights throughout the entire mobile app lifecycle.

Seven years ago, we launched Instabug as a demo video -- a cool idea that went viral within developer circles like Hacker News.

That’s how my co-founder Moataz and I knew that it was worth turning that idea into a product. Using comments and input from real potential users as a guide, we built an intuitive tool that mobile app developers could use to collect bug reports quickly and easily.

Through word of mouth, our user base grew steadily. It started with mobile developers using Instabug to report bugs, then they invited their internal QA teams to start using Instabug as well. Eventually, they invited the whole company to start reporting bugs and sending feedback on nightly builds. Then companies saw how engaged their employees became after enabling them to more easily report bugs and feedback, so they started using Instabug with their external beta testers in their weekly beta releases. We started seeing a wider variety of reports come in, from technical bugs to feedback from actual end users. And when user feedback came to Instabug, mobile product managers started using Instabug's dashboard soon after.

As the product expanded in functionality and scope, Instabug quickly became the go-to bug reporting and feedback tool for mobile apps. Companies saw how much value Instabug added to their pre-production workflow, so they integrated us in their production apps as well.

Understanding the need to connect with our users’ tech stacks, we built integrations with third-party tools for project management, support desks, and more. In 2014, we also released Crash Reporting to help improve the health and stability of published apps. And in 2016, we added the in-app chat feature so mobile teams can reply back and communicate with their users.

Seeing the growth in companies that were using us in production apps, we decided to double down on this need and we added in-app surveys in 2017 so that mobile teams can collect more types of user feedback right inside their app through a seamless experience.

Now with Instabug’s bug reporting, crash reporting, and in-app surveys, mobile teams can get a full picture of how their apps are performing.

In 2019, Instabug has reached over 25 thousand companies, 400 million reported issues and feedback received, and 2 billion devices running our SDK worldwide.

What changed, why, and what’s next?

With all these product updates and user growth, we needed to align our brand perception with the expansion of use cases, advancements in capabilities, and additions we made to our product line. So last year, we started a thoughtful process to redefine our brand identity and product positioning.

We started by defining our brand personality, which, along with our core values, guided a few different tracks of work.

First, we embarked on a journey to reimagine our visual identity, creating a new logo and design system. We loved our old logo -- the friendly ladybug was our lucky charm for years, but it was time to evolve our logo and brand. We also wanted to make sure that the new visual identity was fresh and consistent across all our products.

Then, we unified our voice and tone to make sure that our external communications sound the same across various channels and teams. We also redefined our product positioning and messaging. When we analyzed the market, we saw that no existing category of products represents all that we do. So we went back to the drawing board and arrived at a clear identity.

And finally we put that all together into a new logo, a refreshed website, and an updated dashboard look and feel that we're proud to introduce today. And with that, we’re introducing Real-Time Contextual Insights.

Introducing the platform for real-time contextual insights

Mobile app users deserve the best experiences. The mobile-first revolution means more diversity, higher quality apps, and savvy users who depend on them. Mobile teams big and small can’t afford to be reactive to errors.

In order to have empathy with their users, mobile teams need better information and more visibility about how their apps are performing, where it’s falling down, when it fails completely, what works, and why.

A screenshot isn’t enough on its own. App Store comments aren’t enough on their own. A support e-mail isn’t enough on its own. Mobile teams need the full picture.

Mobile teams need Real-Time Contextual Insights.

What are real-time contextual insights?

  • Real-Time: instant
  • Contextual: right place, right time
  • Insights: actionable info to make smarter decisions

With best-in-class bug and feedback reporting, secure crash reporting, intuitive in-app surveys, and a powerful infrastructure that supports over two billion devices and counting, Instabug is the easiest and most intuitive way of collecting Real-Time Contextual Insights throughout your entire mobile app lifecycle, empowering you to accelerate your workflow and release with confidence.

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Instabug empowers mobile teams to maintain industry-leading apps with mobile-focused, user-centric stability and performance monitoring.

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In less than a minute, integrate the Instabug SDK for iOS, Android, React Native, Xamarin, Cordova, Flutter, and Unity mobile apps