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Top React Native Blogs, Newsletters, and Online Communities

Keeping up with the world of React and React Native can be a tough job. You need to have a reliable set of React and React Native blogs or content sources to stay up-to-date with all of the news, updates, and announcements in React.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the top React and React Native online communities including React and React Native blogs, newsletters, podcasts, social media groups, and more, for you to stay up-to-date with all that’s new in the world of React and React Native.

Please note that the React and React Native blogs and communities listed below are only the ones that are currently active. While there are many other groups, some of their content is outdated, which is why they weren’t included.


React and React Native Blogs


React blogs


React Native blogs


React and React Native Newsletters


React newsletters

  • React Status: A weekly roundup of the latest React and React Native links and tutorials with 17,000+ subscribers.
  • React.js Newsletter: The free weekly newsletter of the best React news, articles, projects, and more brought to you by
  • JavaScript Weekly: A free, once-weekly e-mail round-up of JavaScript news and articles.
  • React Digest: Selects five top articles and sends them out every Monday. Flux, Redux, MobX, React, and React Native -- they keep track of everything for you to get your portion of JavaScript awesomeness every week.
  • Awesome React Newsletter: A weekly overview of the most popular React news, articles, and libraries
  • Kent C. Dodds Mail: A newsletter by Kent C. Dodds, a Google Developer Expert, PayPal delegate on the TC39, and instructor on and Frontend Masters.


React Native newsletters


React and React Native Videos



React and React Native Courses


Free courses

  • Codecademy: React 101: By the end of this course, you'll develop a strong understanding of React's most essential concepts: JSX, components, and storing information via props and state. By the course's end, you'll be able to combine these ideas in React's modular programming style.
  • Start Learning React: This series will explore the basic fundamentals of React to get you started.
  • React Armory: Learn React by Itself: In this series, you’ll learn React’s fundamentals by building an animated fractal. And you won’t even need to leave your browser! All of the exercises can be completed with the embedded editors – without downloading or installing anything.
  • The Beginner’s Guide to ReactJS: This course is for React newbies and those looking to get a better understanding of React fundamentals. With a focus on React fundamentals, you'll come out of this course knowing what problems React can solve for you and how it goes about solving those problems. You will have a good grasp of what JSX is and how it translates to regular JavaScript function calls and objects.
  • The Road to Learn React: "The Road to Learn React" e-book (free to download with e-mail) teaches you the fundamentals of React. You will build a real-world application along the way in plain React without complicated tooling. Everything from project setup to deployment on a server will be explained. The book comes with additional referenced reading material and exercises with each chapter. After reading the book, you will be able to build your own applications in React. The material is kept up to date by Robin Wieruch and the community.


Paid courses


React and React Native on Twitter


React on Twitter

  • React on Twitter List: The only list you'll ever need, created by Instabug with the top tweeters in the React community.
  • React: Official React account.
  • ReactJS News: The latest React news, updates, and articles.
  • React Daily: Daily updates with the latest React and React Native news, links, and tutorials.
  • JavaScript Daily: Daily JavaScript/JS community news, links, and events.
  • React Newsletter: A free weekly newsletter of the best React news and articles.
  • React Training: Expert React training, support, and software, from the creators of React Router.
  • Tyler McGinnis: Founder of, Google developer expert, former director at DevMountain, and creator of Udacity's React Nanodegree.
  • Dan Wahlin: One of the top instructors in software development on and Udemy. Also authored/co-authored multiple books, published hundreds of technical articles, and authored technical documents for companies such as Microsoft, Google, and others.
  • Zach Silveira: Started ReactJSNews and ran it for two and a half years, building it to over 60,000 followers.
  • Dan Abramov: Co-author of Redux and Create React App. Always sharing React updates, insights, and best practices, as well as helpful resources from the React community.
  • Stephen Grider: An engineering architect who teaches on Udemy where he has 170,000+ students and the highest rated React course there.
  • Jed Watson: Co-founder of Thinkmill, helping Atlassian build Atlaskit. Creator of Keystone JS and Elemental and co-host of ReactJS Sydney.
  • Jason Brown: Founder of Code Daily.
  • David Walsh: Mozilla Sr. Web Developer and founder of the David Walsh Blog.
  • Kent C. Dodds: A PayPal full-stack JavaScript engineer who runs an active blog, and newsletter. He is also an instructor on, Frontend Masters, and


React Native on Twitter


React and React Native on Reddit


React on Reddit

  • r/reactjs: A community for learning and developing web applications using React by Facebook.
  • r/reactjsdevelopers: A team of React JS developers ready to hire to implement projects using React and other cutting-edge frontend technologies.
  • r/javascript: A community all about JavaScript.


React Native on Reddit

  • r/reactnative: A community for learning and developing native mobile applications using React Native by Facebook.


React and React Native Social Media Groups


React on Slack

  • Reactiflux: (Moved to Discord) A chat community of 25,000+ React JS, React Native, Redux, Jest, Relay, and GraphQL developers. They hold Q&As with Facebook Engineers and other developers in the community. Chat about tech-related to React and JavaScript or ask for help.


React on LinkedIn


React Native on Linkedin


React on Facebook


React Native on Facebook


React and React Native Podcasts

React podcasts


React Native podcasts

  • React Native Radio: A weekly discussion of the tools, techniques, and technologies used to build mobile applications with JavaScript and React done by developers regularly using React Native.
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