Microsoft Teams

Enhance Collaboration with Microsoft Teams Integration

Stay on top of your app's quality and stability with Instabug's Microsoft Teams integration. Get notified instantly whenever you receive a new bug or crash

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Get Real-Time Notifications With Contextual Details

Get notified every time a user reports an issue in-app using Instabug or a crash occurs on your app. You and your team will be able to receive messages directly in your designated Microsoft teams channel, without needing to use multiple tools.

Allow Mobile Users to Report Bugs In-App

Instabug allows your mobile users and beta testers to report bugs and send feedback about your mobile app directly from their devices. Instabug captures a screenshot that users can draw on and grabs all device details, network logs, and user steps in the background.

Reproduce and Fix Issues Faster

Keep track of issues and cut time wasted debugging. Instabug captures device details, logs, and repro steps with every reported issue to help you understand exactly what went wrong. This will enable you to focus on fixing issues faster without needing to ask users for essential information.

Customize Your Microsoft teams Notifications

Instead of manually forwarding issues and messages to MS teams, forward them automatically with Instabug's rules. You can also choose to forward all issues or one by one and specify which issues go to which channels, ensuring that your team’s workflow isn’t interrupted.

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Seeing is Believing, Start Your 14-Day Free Trial

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