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Zero In on Root Causes With Zero Maintenance

You can’t fix what you can’t see. Automatically reproduce crashes and bugs with tools built for mobile app developers  –  without the need to maintain breadcrumbs throughout your app

Instabug Glow Effect
of developer effort on average is spent on observability and monitoring maintenance
hours of developer time on average is spent debugging quality issues
of quality issues are  determined to be “non-reproducible”

Bye-Bye, Breadcrumbing. Hello Automation

Automatic Breadcrumb Capture

Integrate Instabug’s SDK in a single line, without adjusting any other methods or screens, to access comprehensive performance data with ZERO maintenance

Visual Repro Steps

Instabug provides full visual reproduction out of the box with mobile-specific steps in a format that is built specifically for the challenges of mobile development

Patterns and Occurrence Breakdown

Capture fragmented device, versioning, network and connectivity data to identify problematic patterns in the mobile experience -- then drill down into a specific instance for more details

Session Profiler and Network Logs

Understand the underlying activities and 3rd-party network problems of the user session that could have contributed to failures outside of your control

Six Ways to Five-Star Your App Performance

Reproduce bugs, crashes, and performance degradations automatically to quickly identify root causes
and give valuable time back to your developers and teams

Integrate Instabug’s SDK in a single line and access performance data with no maintenance required - and out of the box. Learn More

Route the most impactful crashes to the most relevant subject matter experts with automatic grouping of issues by team

Get a visual review of what happened in an intuitive format based on screens and views, one that’s built exclusively for the challenges of mobile debugging

Look for patterns that point to recurring issues across devices, OS versions, networks, connectivity or battery states

Break down user sessions to look for actions that shed light on possible causes, and review network logs for deeper data

Investigate possible causes on the user end, such as battery level and state, memory usage, connectivity, focus and orientation

Recognized Excellence in Mobile Performance

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Balance Between Performance Improvements and New Features

Instabug + Figma: Mobile Performance Meets Mobile Design

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Balance Between Performance Improvements and New Features

Brain Technologies uses Instabug to streamline development of AI-powered mobile apps

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Balance Between Performance Improvements and New Features

Saturn leverages Instabug to streamline bug reporting and reduce QA process time

Seeing is Believing, Start Your 14-Day Free Trial

In less than a minute, integrate the Instabug SDK for iOS, Android, React Native, Xamarin, Cordova, Flutter, and Unity mobile apps