The Made-for-Mobile Performance Solution

We’re not just another monitoring tool. Instabug delivers mobile app-specific insights to fix and fend off mobile meltdowns, while freeing your teams to do their best work

Join 25,000+ Mobile Teams who Rely on Instabug

Why Mobile is Different

More Variables = More Complexity
From time-consuming release processes to fragmented app versions, monitoring the mobile experience is unique
High Cost of Failure
Less tolerance for latency and slower user adoption mean the cost of failure is high with every new release
Astronomical Customer Expectations
Once you’ve got them in the app – it better be good. Poor app performance risks losing 80% of users

How Instabug Supports Mobile App Performance

Mobile Performance First
Founded 2013
150+ Engineers
Largest Mobile Perf. Engineering
2.7B Devices
Most Popular Perf. SDK
Category Leader
Mobile App Debugging

No More Mobile Blindspots

Instabug tracks stability and user performance in real-time while also processing bug reports,  and product surveys to provide a qualitative view of user perceived quality. Uncover insights on mobile-specific behaviors and metrics, and diagnose or fix issues directly in user sessions

Seamlessly Recreate
Performance Data

Easily integrate Instabug’s SDK in a single line – without adjusting any other methods or views – and get quick access to a rich assortment of performance data. Enjoy an out of the box full visual reproduction of user sessions

Set a High Bar For Your Team

Instabug offers a complete view of the mobile app experience in a single metric – the App Apdex number – enabling your teams to raise the bar, prioritize their work, and focus on new feature development. Quickly route errors and assign responsibility to specific teams

Real-time Release Management
and Learnings

Release app updates with confidence by monitoring release quality in real-time during rollout, viewing trends across versions, comparing stability and performance between app versions, and prioritizing efforts to improve high-impact metrics

Dive Deep, Debug and Dev Faster
With Mobile-Specific Features

App Performance
App Ratings
and Reviews

Recognized Excellence in Mobile Performance

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Instabug + Figma: Mobile Performance Meets Mobile Design

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Brain Technologies uses Instabug to streamline development of AI-powered mobile apps

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Saturn leverages Instabug to streamline bug reporting and reduce QA process time

Seeing is Believing, Start Your 14-Day Free Trial

In less than a minute, integrate the Instabug SDK for iOS, Android, React Native, Xamarin, Cordova, Flutter, and Unity mobile apps